A curved acrylic shower is a great addition to your bathroom, it’s the perfect blend of style and practicality for a smaller bathroom. Below are the main benefits and things to consider when purchasing a curved shower for your bathroom:

Pros of Curved Showers

1. Great for small spaces

A curved shower door does not increase the size of the shower when open. This makes it a popular option for bathrooms that don’t have a large surface area available but want to have a full-size shower.

Additionally, the small space needed for the shower means that they can be installed next to a vanity or Toilet without the risk of opening the door onto them and causing damage. Whereas in this situation a pivot door would hit and potentially cause damage.

2. Affordable

Due to the small glass panels and thinner 6mm Safety glass, these showers are more affordable than pivot door or sliding door showers. This makes curved showers an appealing option for the budget-conscious buyer. They are also available in various heights for further cost saving if a full size 1950mm high shower is not required in your situation.

3. Wide Door Opening

Although Curved showers take up less space that pivot or sliding door showers, this doesn’t mean that they have a small opening. due to the dual opening doors, curved showers still have a large opening. For example, on of our 900 x 900 Curved Samara showers it has an opening of 540mm which is a comfortable enough opening for an adult to fit through. The rollers are silent if kept free of any debris in the wheel track. Also, the door is secured by 2 rollers on the top and 2 on the bottom ensuring a secure and safe fit.

Cons of Curved Showers

1. Rollers can become jammed on objects on rail

If your curved shower is not maintained correctly by keeping the roller tracks free of and debris, they will cause noisy and stiff rollers. When this happens, the rollers are unable to correctly function and wear unevenly this can lead to roller failure due to the increased strain they are under.

2. Difficult Installation

When these showers are installed, there is more moving parts to a Pivot door shower therefore it can be easy to misplace parts like rollers and screw packs during installation. Additionally, curved showers have 4 separate glass panels as opposed to a 2-sided pivot shower which has 2. This means that curved showers can take longer to install that pivot door showers.

3. Can be more difficult to clean

The inside of roller channels is difficult to reach cleaning, when left neglected for 6+ months there can be a build-up of soap scum, and mildew which stops the rollers from functioning correctly. This is preventable by scrubbing the inside of the channels with brush once every 6 months. The Rest of the shower is easy to clean due to the small glass panels and small glass surface area. Overall, a Curved Shower is an ideal option for people who require a shower with a small surface area, is low cost, and has a wide opening. However there are some cons to having a curved shower which help consumers determine weather a curved shower is the best option for their bathroom.

Newline Curved Showers

Here at Newline Showers, we offer curved showers options in our Samara and Rhine Ranges. Have a look at our options! 

Samara Range - White


Samara Range - Chrome


Rhine Curved

Rhine Range - Black

We hope you’ve found this article informative! If you still have doubts if a curved shower is the right option for you then give our team a call on 0508 639 5463 or email us at info@newline.co.nz 

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